What areSBAS?
To help make the world a more beautiful place, SHISEIDO has set a range of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals will be pursued through our new initiative: Sustainable Beauty Actions (SBAS).
We believe that embracing your inner and outer beauty empowers you, inspires those around you and ultimately leads to a better, more beautiful world. We strive to ensure the sustainability of such a world through our innovations.
Our Sustainable
Beauty Actions
MOTTAINAI Beautiful Environment Reuse, Recycle, Reduce,
Replace with Respect. -
MOTTAINAIBeautiful Environment
Reuse, Recycle, Reduce,
Replace with Respect.In the spirit of respecting the beauty of all things, we will carry out environmental initiatives inspired by the unique Japanese concept of "MOTTAINAI".
HARMONY Beautiful Society Good for Skin.
Good for the Environment.
Good for People. -
HARMONYBeautiful Society
Good for Skin.
Good for the Environment.
Good for People.To nurture a beautiful society, we will take action in harmony with people and nature.
EMPATHY Beautiful Individuals Diverse. Inclusive.
With Empathy for All. -
EMPATHYBeautiful Individuals
Diverse. Inclusive.
With Empathy for All.To ensure Diversity & Inclusion in every aspect of our brand, we respect the rights and freedom deserved by all, and we act with empathy.
Join Us! Become a SHISEIDO
Sustainability Activist Today!
#ShiseidoSBAS is an online community to share thoughts on Sustainable Beauty
and discuss what we can do to make our world more beautiful.
Together, we can make a real impact. Together, we can change the world.
Now is the time to act for the people, for the planet, and for the beauty within us all.
How do you approach
Sustainable Beauty
in your daily life?
#ShiseidoSBAS -
Shihori Oyama SHISEIDO Sustainability LeaderAll Things Beautiful SHISEIDO Sustainability Leader Shihori Oyama VIEW MORE >
Tiffani Carter Vice President of
Integrated Communications,
Shiseido AmericasCaring for the Planet Vice President of
Integrated Communications,
Shiseido Americas Tiffani Carter VIEW MORE > -
Yoshiaki Okabe Chief Brand Officer,
Brand SHISEIDOHealth, Well-Being and Sustainable Beauty Chief Brand Officer,
Brand SHISEIDO Yoshiaki Okabe VIEW MORE > -
Montasar Dumas SHISEIDO
Communication Manager,
EMEABeauty Is Everywhere SHISEIDO
Communication Manager,
EMEA Montasar Dumas VIEW MORE > -
Robert Campbell Director-General,
National Institute
of Japanese LiteratureCooking up a More
Sustainable Future Director-General,
National Institute
of Japanese Literature Robert Campbell VIEW MORE > -
Kanoa Igarashi Professional Surfer1% More for the Beauty of Our Earth Professional Surfer Kanoa Igarashi VIEW MORE >
Note about our community:
Please share your ideas and thoughts in your social media posts and/or social media images or videos and tag them with special hashtag #ShiseidoSBAS. For the posts SHISEIDO would like to share at this community, we may contact you in person for your approval.
- Contents, such as comments and photos posted are a compilation of contributions sent/agreed to be published by individuals who support this project.
- At the agreement of the post owner, ideas belong to all those who support this project, and SHISEIDO is merely here to provide the community with a place to show everyone's thoughts. It is our policy and belief that diversity in thoughts and experience is most important for our innovative future, so we try to convey the thoughts and wishes of the contributors as is, and not as SHISEIDO's brand messages, promotional contents or socially responsible promises.
- As catalyst of this community, we believe it is SHISEIDO's responsibility as a Sustainable Beauty Company to derive inspiration from everyone's ideas and wishes, and strive to create a more sustainable society in a short to long term basis.
- The rights to the Contents belongs to the post owner, not to SHISEIDO. Before copying, sharing, reposting or otherwise using the Contents, please be sure you have the right to do so. We ask that you respect other people’s copyrights, trademarks, and other legal rights.
- Please access, use or rely upon the Contents at your sole responsibility. SHISEIDO is not responsible for the availability or accuracy of the Contents; nor undertakes or assumes any duty to monitor for inappropriate or unlawful Contents.
- SHISEIDO may, but is not obligated to, review the Contents and may delete or remove it (without notice) in its sole and absolute discretion.
- Shiseido’s Terms of Use (https://international.shiseido.co.jp/terms-of-use.html) will be applied to your use of this community.
SBAS Ginza Summit
Watch the Launch Event
Ginza Summit
Launch EventView Full Movie -
Ginza Summit
Digest Movie 1